2. Národná klastrová konferencia

2. Národná klastrová konferencia

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2. Národná klastrová konferencia

Klaster regionálneho rozvoja sa zúčastní na 2. Národnej klastrovej konferencii, ktorá je významným podujatím zameraným na inovácie a posilňovanie spolupráce medzi klastrami. Konferencia predstavuje platformu pre odborníkov a lídrov z rôznych sektorov, aby spoločne diskutovali o najnovších trendoch, výzvach a príležitostiach v oblasti regionálneho rozvoja. Účastníci sa môžu tešiť na sériu workshopov, prednášok a panelových diskusií, ktoré im poskytnú hlbšie pochopenie o tom, ako efektívne využívať inovácie pre rast a udržateľný rozvoj ich regiónov. Toto podujatie je tiež výbornou príležitosťou na budovanie nových partnerstiev a rozšírenie profesionálnej siete. Za účelom získania detailnejších informácií o programe a organizácii konferencie navštívte 2. Národná Klastrová Konferencia.

Program / Schedule


Day one (opening in Slovak, the rest in English)

08:00 – 08:55 Registration 
09:00 – 09:45 Opening 

  • Opening note by the General Director of the Strategy Section at the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 
  • Opening note by the General Director of the Digital Agenda Section at the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic 
  • Opening note by the Representative of the Union of Clusters of Slovakia

09:45 – 11:15 Twin Green and Digital Transition: How Clusters are Meeting the Challenge
Clusters play a central role in the European Commission’s competitiveness and Smart Specialisation strategies (DG Research, 2019). The European Expert Group on clusters recognizes that clusters are pivotal in accelerating the twin green and digital transition (GDT), contributing to resilience, and driving recovery. This discussion explores how Slovakia is addressing the challenges of GDT and the crucial role clusters are expected to play in this transformation.

  • Key note speech by VAIA: Andrea Uhrínová 
  • Round table discussion – Miriama Hučková – IT Valley, Markus Simbürger – Green Tech Valley Cluster, AT, Michal Műhl – EXPANDI 4.0, Patrik Križanský – SEVA. Moderator: Andrea Uhrínová – VAIA
  • Language: English

11:15 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Excellence and Its Benefits for Cluster Internationalization
Established in 2010, ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis) champions Cluster Management Excellence by conducting benchmarking and quality labeling for cluster management organizations globally. How does it facilitate the internationalization of clusters? What other benefits are bringing this quality label?

  • Key note presentation: Helmut Kergel, VDI/VDE – ESCA 
  • Round table discussion: Peter Keller – Office of Governement of Hungary, Lukasz Goreczki – Silesia Automotive and Advanced manufacturing Cluster, Helmut Kergel VDI/VDE, and Jan Václav, Slovak Plastic Cluster. Moderator: Ronald Blaško, VAIA
  • Language: English (translation is not provided)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Internationalisation Beyond Europe 

The primary goal of Clusters Go International under the COSME program was to enhance collaboration between clusters and business networks beyond borders and sectors. This initiative aimed to support the formation of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships, leading international cooperation in strategically significant fields beyond Europe. The focus was on aiding SMEs in accessing global value chains and fostering long-term partnerships in third countries.
As we consider whether to repeat this approach, the crucial question arises: Should we continue supporting clusters´ internationalisation helping their member to go international, or is it time to explore alternative strategies that will be focusing on SMEs directly? What insights can we gain from the experiences in Korea, Poland or Ukraine? 

  • Key note speech: Dr. Suh, Korean Development Institute, Korea 
  • Round table discussion: representative of KDI, Lukáš Parízek – Council of the Slovak Exporters, Monika Antonowicz, PARP (TBC), Ciprian Morcan (Transylvanian Furniture Cluster), Moderator: Zulf Hyat Khan
  • Language: English (translation is not provided)

15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 – 18:00 Workshop: „How to support the development of the regional innovation process from the bottom up using modern tools with the help of AI – INNOVERSE“
The unprecedented growth of the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector, coupled with the recent surge in AI applications, has hastened dramatic changes in societies 
and global employment trends. The integration of ICTs into innovation systems has provenpivotal for enhancing the overall competitiveness of economic regions and national economies. How can we leverage ICT for regional development, and what role does AI play in this context?
To address these questions, a framework-guidance tool has been developed. This tool can formulate scenarios for regional development and enhance regional innovation systems. The model was implemented in an Austrian region, and the findings underscore the significance of smart technologies and AI in driving regional development.

  • Presentation, case study and open floor discussion led by Dr. Franz Bailom, in-manas, Austria 
  • Language: English (translation is not provided)

18:30 – 20:30 Dinner
20:30 – 21:30 Wine tasting from regional superior wineries


Deň druhý – Day Two


9:00 – 9:45 Stratégia rozvoja klastrov 2022 – 2028 a nástroje rozvoja regionálneho inovačného ekosystému

  • Prezentácie MH SR – Vladimír Tanistrák a SIEA – Martin Svoboda
  • Rokovací jazyk: slovenský jazyk 

9:45 – 10:45 Workshopy 

  • Workshop 1 – Slovenské nové klastre v oblastiach obrana – Dominik Lelkes, šport – Martin Benko, design – Milan Illes, SIEA – Vladimír Borza (SK)
  • Workshop 2 – Rozvoj klastrových stratégií za pomoci AI, SIEA – Artur Bobovnický (ENG)
  • Workshop 3 – Internacionalizácia slovenských klastrov + skúsenosti z Južnej Kórei – Dr. Geunyoung Kim, zástupca Košice IT Valley, SPK – Jan Václav, Bioeconomy – Sára Horváthová, SIEA – Peter Adamovský (ENG)

10:45 – 11:00 Prestávka 
11:00 – 12:15 Diskusné fórum klastrov s tvorcami politík

  • Riadená diskusia, diskusiu vedie: Artur Bobovnický
  • Otázky pripravené vopred, resp. cez aplikáciu
  • Rokovací jazyk: slovenský jazyk

12:15 – 12:25 Ukončenie konferencie

Martin Svoboda  riaditeľ sekcie inovácií a medzinárodných vzťahov – SIEA

12:30 – 13:45 Obed
